OSRP Test System for Airbags
Print Release

Out of Position Simulation Benchmark Problems of OSRP Safety Simulation Working Group

  • November 2011

During 2005-2006, the Occupant Safety Research Partnership of the USCAR (OSRP) conducted tests using frontal airbags as part of an effort of its Safety Simulation Working Group (SSWG) to establish benchmark problems to aid the verification and validation of occupant protection simulations. This document summarizes two sets of experimental tests.


The purpose for the development of the OOP simulation benchmark problems is to provide a well established, common set of problems for evaluating the CFD capabilities of crash/vehicle safety simulation codes in applications to model OOP scenarios.

Brief Description of The Benchmark Problems

Two sets of experimental tests were conducted and they are described below.

Problem Number Title Version Brief Description
1 Driver Airbag Pendulum Tests 8/15/2006 17 DAB pendulum tests with different inflator output, bag folding, gap, fabric coating, venting, etc.
2 Passenger-airbag OOP Tests with Hyb-III 6-yr-old Child Dummy 7/18/2005 3 PAB droptower tests, 6 PAB OOP tests with Hyb-III 6-yr-old dummy (3 in Position I and 3 in Position II), and 3 inflator tank tests. Detailed test setup information in provided.

The video clips here provide a visual summary of the general setup of the two sets of tests. For detailed setup and video of specific test, see next section.

Detailed description and raw data from the two sets of tests have been archived, and the achieves can be downloaded through the following links.

Archive of Problem 1 Driver Airbag Pendulum Tests

Archive of Problem 2 Passenger-Airbag OOP Tests with H-III 6 yr Old Child Dummy

Each of the archives contains a summary document and several folders containing raw data, including ASCII files of data and LS-DYNA input files, image files, and video files related to the test setup and test results. The summary document contains links to the folders/files inside these folders. The relative path of the summary file and the folders should be preserved for the links to work as designed.

Copyright & Distribution

These tests have been developed by member companies of the Occupant Safety Research Partnership of USCAR (OSRP). This document contains proprietary information of the OSRP. A non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use this data is granted to use the data for analysis of the benchmark problems contained herein. The following attribution is required if any of these data are used in publications: "These data were provided by the Occupant Safety Research Partnership of USCAR (OSRP), which assumes no liability for its use, or for the analyses or conclusions that derive from its use.


OSRP shall not be liable for inaccuracies of these benchmark problems, or for any damage or loss in connection with the use of the information contained herein.

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For further questions regarding the benchmark problems or this document, please contact:

USCAR Town Center Drive
1000 Town Center Drive Suite 300
Southfield, MI 48075
E-mail: communications@uscar.org


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